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Legislation is a tool that assembly members utilize to connect student issues, voices, and concerns to higher administration at WVU, leaders of our state, and beyond.

There are three forms of legislation: bills, proclamations, and resolutions. These forms all serve different purposes. The legislation that has been passed by our student assembly is available to the right to view.

Our Legislative Process

From Idea to Legislation

  1. Issue on campus is brought up to assembly members.

  2. Student Assembly members create a bill, proclamation, or resolution.

  3. Bill, proclamation, or resolution must be sponsored by one Senator and at least four Senators.

  4. Assembly must meet two-thirds of total members to meet quorum.

  5. The President will either approve or veto.


View bills enacted by SGA to affect change within the association, and beyond.


View resolutions presented by SGA as recommendations to the university to remediate campus issues.


View proclamations made by SGA to express their support or opposition to various events, issues, and topics.

GovTrack was published in 2004 with the goal to help Americans participate in their national legislature. Through this website, individuals can track the status of federal legislation, locate information about their representative and senators in Congress including voting records, and access original research used in legislative efforts.

Additionally, users are able to track bills, utilize statistical analyses, and read about the data accessible through this website. GovTrack is one of the oldest government transparency websites in the world.

It aims to inspire an open government and government data movements and has even testified before Congress about their work and steps that can be taken to make Congress a more open, and accessible institution.

Visit the GovTrack website