Elise Vuiller
Plans for this year
"This year I plan to create more initiatives fostering better engagement with the
student body, and helping student organizations better unionize. Also bettering
access to resources for students struggling with mental health and classes. I look
forward to all around finding the different and complex relationship between the
administration, student organizations, and students in order to find new avenues
that each can take to collectively help each other."
Personal passion
"I am passionate about informing others in the way that trauma impacts our every
day lives. One day I would like run for congress and join the fight for government
reform, to better the lives of all people mentally and physically. In the now I
use my voice and artistry to spread messages about inner projections and issues
that we the people face everyday. I love to find different ways that we can work
together and come together based on empathy rather than our biases."