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AB-2023-11-02: Executive/Legislative Vacancy Appointment Rules

West Virginia University
The Student Assembly - Student Government Association
Assembly Bill: AB-2023-11-02


Short Title: Executive/Legislative Vacancy Appointment Rules

Author(s): Susie Risk, President Pro Tempore

Sponsor(s): Anna Witt, College Senator (CAHS)
Matthew Olivero, Senator
Riley Coulter, College Senator (Statler)
Elijah Eastman, Senator

Contributor(s):Christian Miller, Attorney General
Karsey Prichard, Executive Secretary
Travis Weller, Elections Chair

Committee Endorsement: Governing Documents

First Reading Date: 11/15/2023

Second Reading Date: 11/29/2023

Date of Approval: 11/29/2023

Whereas, according to Article V, Section III of the SGA Bylaws, the purpose of the Governing Documents Committee is to, “Critically evaluate the relevance and purpose of this organization’s governing documents”; and,

Whereas, upon evaluation of the SGA Constitution, the members of the Governing Documents Review Committee, collectively voted on the following proposed amendments; and, and,

Whereas, the members of the Governing Documents Review Committee believe the following proposed amendments will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Student Government Association's appointment proceedings,

Therefore, be it enacted by the Student Assembly of West Virginia University:

Section 1: The following addition concerning executive appointment procedures set forth by the Governing Documents Review Committee shall take immediate effect:

Article 4.1 Description shall be amended as:

4.1 DESCRIPTION. The West Virginia University Student Government Association Executive Branch shall consist of the President and Vice President, who are elected by the student body during the annual West Virginia University Student Government Association Election. Within three weeks following the SGA Inauguration, the President and Vice President will appoint members to serve on the Executive Cabinet. The President may also have the power to appoint other executive positions as deemed necessary. Executive appointees may only be nominated for approval of a position once within the same term but retain eligibility to be considered for other positions within the Student Government Association within the same administration.

Section 2: The following addition concerning executive and legislative vacancy appointment procedures set forth by the Governing Documents Review Committee shall take immediate effect:

Article 10.1.d Vacancy and Succession shall be amended as

10.1.d. If a candidate is appointed by the Student Government Association Select Committee on Legislative Vacancies and Appointments for a position within the Student Government Association but fails to receive two-thirds (2/3) approval from the Student Assembly, they will not be eligible for reconsideration for the position during the same term. However, they remain eligible to be considered for other positions within the Student Government Association within the same administration.


  • G. Corey Farris, Dean of Students
  • Dr. Thanh Le, Director, Student Engagement and Leadership (Advisor)
  • Daily Athenaeum
  • Madison Santmyer, Student Body President
  • Brogan Dozier, Student Body Vice President
  • Karsey Prichard, Executive Secretary