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AB-2020-04: SGA Bylaws 2020-2021

West Virginia University
The Student Assembly - Student Government Association
Assembly Bill: AB-2020-04


Short Title: SGA Bylaws 2020-2021

Co-Author(s): Amelia Jones, President Pro Tempore
Josh Harman, Senator

Sponsor(s): Sohan Daniel, Senator
Tyler Seidel, College Senator (Statler)
Zac Backus, College Senator (CEHS)
Micaela Colbert, Senator
Katie Eyler, College Senator (Eberly)
Victoria Knotts, Senator
Kevin Donnelly, Senator

Committee Endorsement: Governing Documents Review Committee

First Reading Date: 04/22/2020

Second Reading Date: 04/29/2020

Whereas, According to Article VII, Section 1 of the Student Government Association (SGA) Constitution, “the West Virginia University Student Government Association shall be bound by a set of Bylaws which will dictate protocol, procedures, and duties for each branch of the West Virginia University Student Government Association;” and

Whereas, Article II amends the SGA Bylaws to establish guidelines for the determination of the validity of excuses for absences members of the Student Assembly as well as a clear procedure for assembly members to notify the appropriate executives and a succinct course of action to be taken in the event that an assembly member exceeds the amount of unexcused absences that they are allotted; and

Whereas, Article III amends the SGA Bylaws to establish the roles of members of the executive branch. In addition, it creates the positions of committee coordinators who shall serve as a resource to their corresponding committee; and

Whereas, Article IV amends the SGA Bylaws to create and describes the standing committees for the upcoming administration. These committees shall be chaired by an assembly member and be composed of assembly members assigned to corresponding committees. The standing committees shall be as followed: Community Engagement, Health, Inclusion, Safety, and Student Experience; and,

Whereas, Article V amends the SGA Bylaws to describe the operating procedure for Governing Documents Review Committee as well as establishes the membership of the committee; and

Whereas, Article VI the SGA Bylaws to define membership on the Bureau of Finance, adds Assembly members as voting members of the Bureau, and creates the position of Outreach Coordinator within the Bureau; and

Whereas, Article VIII amends the SGA Bylaws to extend the application deadline for vacancy appointments to the Assembly and allows for virtual interviews to be conducted until in-person classes resume; and,

Therefore, be it enacted by the Student Assembly of West Virginia University:

Section 1: Supports and adopts the proposed bylaws amendments set forth by the Riggs-Bragg administration.

Section II: Upon passage and approval, this legislation will be sent to:


  • G. Corey Farris, Dean of Students
  • Sabrina Cave, Executive Director, Student Enrichment
  • Dr. Thanh Le, Director, Student Engagement and Leadership (Advisor)
  • Daily Athenaeum
  • Chase Riggs, Student Body President


SGA Bylaws