West Virginia University
The Student Assembly - Student Government Association
Assembly Bill: AB-2023-03-08
Short Title: SGA Bylaws 2022-2023
Author(s): Azeem Khan, President Pro Tempore
Sponsor(s): Avery Conner, Senator
Devin Price, Senator
Sandrik Tabidze, College Senator (Statler)
Raafay Uqaily, Senator
Emily Whalen, Senator
Contributor(s): Chloe Hernandez, Student Body President
Pareera Uqaily, Student Body Vice President
Charlie Long, Attorney General
First Reading Date: 08/24/2022
Second Reading Date: 08/31/2022
Whereas, According to Article VII, Section 1 of theStudent Government Association (SGA) Constitution, “the West Virginia University Student Government Association shall be bound by a set of Bylaws which will dictate protocol, procedures, and duties for each branch of the West Virginia University Student Government Association”; and,
Whereas, According to Article VIII, Section 2 of theStudent Government Association (SGA) Constitution, “The Student Government Association Bylaws shall further dictate procedures and requirements for formal and informal meetings of the West Virginia University Student Government Association beyond those outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.”; and,
Whereas, Article II amends the SGA Bylaws to update the attendance policy for members of the Student Assembly; and,
Whereas, Article III amends the SGA Bylaws to establish the roles of members of the executive branch; and,
Whereas, Article IV amends the SGA Bylaws to update the standing committees within SGA and create the position of “Program Coordinator”; and,
Whereas, Article VI amends the SGA Bylaws to remove the Student Advisory and Accountability Committee; and,
Whereas, Article IX relating to the H.O.M.E. Scholarship was removed from the SGA Bylaws; and,
Whereas, Article XII amends the SGA Bylaws to include the vision statement “Strive Together, Thrive Together” for the Hernandez-Uqaily Administration; and,
Therefore, be it enacted by the Student Assembly of West Virginia University:
Section I: The proposed bylaws amendments set forthby the Hernandez-Uqaily Administration are adopted and shall take effect immediately upon passage
Section II: Upon passage and approval, this legislationshall be forwarded to the following:
- G. Corey Farris, Dean of Students
- Sabrina Cave, Executive Director, Student Enrichment
- Dr. Thanh Le, Director, Student Engagement and Leadership (Advisor)
- Chloe Hernandez, Student Body President
- Morgan Donate, Executive Secretary
- Daily Athenaeum