Adrienne Kemp-Rye
Position: Chief of Staff of External Affairs
A summary of work completed in December: During December, I worked on fewer things than previous months due to winter break. I compiled the Sustainability 10 for 10 report from November and passed it along to Sustainability Coordinator Kaczmarek to write a condensed summary. The summary should be complete by next month. I’m also working with Inclusion Coordinator Hossain to plan out our next Intersectionality Coalition Event and details of February’s Inclusion focus. In addition, I helped plan Secret Snowflake with President Riggs and Chief of Staff Satterfield. Finally, I worked with the Health Coordinator to create a list of tips to help students’ mental health over winter break.
A summary of plans for January: In January, I will be focusing on planning our next Intersectionality Coalition Event, which is tentatively scheduled for the end of January. I will also be meeting with the Inclusion Committee to help plan the events and information set to go out within February that revolves around our inclusion focused initiatives. I’ll also be working on everything pertaining to Big XII on the Hill, as those topics begin to come up as we get closer to that date. As always, I’ll be working on anything else that arises during the month.
Allie Satterfield
Position: Chief of Stall of Internal Affairs
A summary of work completed in December: President Riggs, Chief of Staff Kemp-Rye, and I worked to plan and execute Secret Snowflake. Additionally, I followed-up with my executives to ensure any support they need from the administration was given.
A summary of plans for January: In the beginning of January, I am planning to meet virtually with my executives individually to discuss their plans for the remainder of the year, as well as what I can be doing to support them better. I will work with the Communications Team to update our social media plan for the semester. I plan to meet with Outreach Coordinator Gray to plan our next newsletter. Finally, I will be supporting President Riggs, Vice President Bragg, Chief of Staff Kemp-Rye, and the rest of the organization in any way I am able.
David Laub
Position: Attorney General
A summary of work completed in December: In December, my committee got a bill passed that we had been working on since I took office in November. It contained numerous revisions to the Elections Code in preparation for the Spring 2021 SGA election. We opted to, after this, finish finals before we met again. Our next meeting occurred on 12/18/2020 where we discussed revisions to the constitution and set goals for the new semester with regards to governing document revision and voting. We aim to have bills containing document revisions read and passed on 1/27 and 2/3, just in time for Constitution changes to be put to vote in the SGA general election. Our deadline for submitting these changes to Elections Chair Pressley to include on the ballot is 2/5. I also met with the Elections Committee where we revised the filing packet and violation report form and delegating making presentations more aesthetically pleasing and accessible.
A summary of plans for January: In January, the Governing Documents Review Committee will continue to meet weekly. We are taking the week of Christmas off, and then intend to meet regularly to finish revising documents and preparing bills in time for the SGA election. Again, our goal is to present them in two bill readings on 1/27 and 2/3. With the Elections Committee, I am working on revising informational presentations and assisting Elections Chair Pressley in preparing debate questions. Otherwise, I remain available to do whatever she needs help with.
Logan Riffey
Position: Legislative Affairs Officer
A summary of work completed in December: Since my last executive report, there is little to report on my activities. Since taking on the role as de facto Legislative Affairs Officer (given that I have not been officially sworn in), I have conducted preliminary research on current happenings in Congress in regards to potential COVID-19 relief packages as it pertains to students and higher education. I have also introduced myself to my counterparts across the student governments of the Big XII schools. In regards to my prior position as Local Governance Liaison, I intend on notifying Morgantown City Council of my transition, yet assuring them that until (or if not at all), a new Local Governance Liaison is appointed, I will be open for any communication which Council wishes to have with the students of West Virginia University. One duty that I have successfully fulfilled since my last report is the completion of the Community Engagement 10 for 10 condensed report. Among myself, College Senator Moore, Senator Nadeau, and Intern Worrell, the condensed report was completed and forwarded to Chief of Staff Kemp-Rye.
A summary of plans for January: During winter break, I intend on continuing my monitoring of affairs on the national level as it pertains to higher education. As more details come available for Big XII on the Hill, I will begin to do my part in ensuring WVU’s impact is at its greatest. President Riggs, Senator Ilhenfeld, and I also intend on meeting with WV Senator Ihlenfeld to discuss prospective legislation that will be introduced in the WV Regular Legislative Session around the corner. I also intend on joining President Riggs in a meeting with several officials within the WVU Government Relations Office.