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AR-2020-11: PASSkey 

West Virginia University
The Student Assembly - Student Government Association
Assembly Resolution: AR-2020-xx


Short Title: PASSkey

Author(s): Amaya Jernigan, Senator

Sponsor(s): Micaela Colbert, Senator 
Amelia Jones, President Pro Tempore  
Zachariah Backus, College Senator (CEHS)  
Alexis Rossello, Senator  
Hunter Moore, College Senator (Statler) 
Kevin Donnelly, Senator  
Sarah Zanabli, Senator  

First Reading Date: 08/05/2020

Second Reading Date: xx/xx/2021

Whereas xx-xx-2020, “West Virginia University commit[s] to creating a diverse and inclusive culture that advances education, healthcare and prosperity for all by providing access and opportunity;…by leading transformation in West Virginia and the world through local, state and global engagement”; and,

Whereas,“The mission of PASSkey is to make the transition from high school to college easier by offering a comprehensive program that teaches minorities how to manage their time, money, life skills and most importantly how to be good citizens.” 1; and, 

Whereas, PASSkey brings together both faculty and students who volunteer as mentors and tutors, the program is vital for first-year students 2; and,

Whereas, The PASSkey mentoring program was a freshmen orientation class that helped African-American students successfully transition to college life. It also helped to attract and retain students of color” 3; and,

Whereas, “The necessity of having mentors assist in navigating this ‘new’ setting is an essential factor in student success. The connection between African American faculty mentoring African American college students needs to be addressed in an effort for universities to recognize best practices for retention and student satisfaction” 4; and,

Whereas, “Research revealed that students perceived mentoring to be beneficial in their growth and that race of the mentor was a contributing factor in the development of the relationship. It was determined that students who received mentoring had a higher-grade point average compared to students who did not” 5; and, 

Whereas, A survey conducted in July of 2020 that was distributed to West Virginia University’s Black Alumni shows that the program fostered close relationship among peers and staff while having positive impact on their overall experience at West Virginia University.; and,

Whereas, A survey conducted in December of 2019 at West Virginia University showed that 38% of the participants, which were all Black, often felt alone and feel as if the community at West Virginia University does not feel like home; and,

Whereas, In the same survey all the participants said the implication of a mentoring program such as PASSkey would make their West Virginia University experience better; and,

Whereas, Eric Murphy, Akeya Carter- Bozman, and Corey Farris are all willing to investigate the structure and details that are required to implement a program such as PASSkey.; and,

Whereas, In the demands that the Black community requested there was a statement about the need for mentoring. “West Virginia University must prioritize a budget for initiatives that promote the development of Black students to lead, make a positive impact, and build an academic community.” 6; and,

Whereas, West Virginia University’s Black community is divided and in pain, a mentoring program that will foster new relationships and serve as a way to connect the Black community is imperative.

Therefore, be it resolved by the Student Assembly of West Virginia University:

Section 1: West Virginia University Student Government Association demands that the proper actions be taken to implement a program like PASSkey at West Virginia University,

Section 2: Upon passage and approval, this legislation shall be forwarded to:


  • G. Corey Farris, Dean of Students
  • Sabrina Cave, Executive Director, Student Enrichment
  • Dr. Thanh Le, Director, Student Engagement and Leadership (Advisor)
  • Daily Athenaeum
  • Chase Riggs, Student Body President
  • Tracey Picou, SGA Secretary
  • Marjorie Fuller, Director of the Center for Black Culture and Research
  • Meesha Pooere, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • J. Spenser Darden, Director of Diversity Initiatives and Community Engagement
  • Eric Murphy, Assistant Director of The Center for Service and Learning
  • Akeya Carter-Bozman, Prevention Specialist for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion