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AR-2021-02: Student Wellness Advisory Committee

West Virginia University
The Student Assembly - Student Government Association
Assembly Resolution: AR-2021-02


Short Title: Student Wellness Advisory Committee

Author(s): Sohan Daniel, Senator
Katie Eyler, College Senator (Eberly)
Arlie Hitt, College Senator (Davis)
Lily McKnight, College Senator (Reed)

Sponsor(s): Amelia Jones, President Pro Tempore
Jacqueline Bonar, College Senator (Reed)
Morgan Glass, College Senator (Davis)
Joshua Harman, Senator
Hunter Moore, College Senator (Statler)
Tucker Nadeau, Senator
Theodore Stackpole, College Senator (Chambers)

Contributor(s): Chloe Hernandez, Health Coordinator
Olivia Dowler, Intern

First Reading Date: 02/24/2021

Second Reading Date: 03/03/2021

Whereas, The WVU Student Government Association Constitution states that we desire to "ensure the personal freedoms and general welfare of the students within the university"; and,

Whereas, According to the study "Does Mental Health Affect the Academic Performance of College Students" from Eastern Washington University, stress, anxiety, and sleep difficulties are the top factors disrupting the academic performance of college students" 1; and,

Whereas, According to the American Psychological Association, 41.6% of college students present symptoms of anxiety and 36.4% of students present symptoms of depression 2, and,

Whereas, According to statistics from the Carruth Center, only 7% (1,863/26,839) of West Virginia University students utilize the Carruth Center 3, and,