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AR-2022-03-01: Office of Accessibility Services Student Advisory Committee

West Virginia University
The Student Assembly - Student Government Association
Assembly Resolution: AR-2022-03-01



Author(s): Rushik Patel, College Senator (Statler)

Sponsor(s): Laasya Chennuru, Senator
Avery Connor, Senator
Matthey Hudson, College Senator (Health Sciences)
Brooke Jones, Senator
Azeem Khan, Senator
Conrad Molinaro, College Senator (Chambers)
Devin Price, Senator
Madison Santmyer, Senator
Megan Skean, College Senator (Eberly)
Raafay Uqaily, Senator


First Reading Date: 04-27-2022
Intent to Fast-track

Whereas,The WVU Student Government Association Constitutionstates that we desire to “ensure the personal freedoms and general welfare of the students within the university”; and,

Whereas,According to the National Center for EducationStatistics, “nineteen percent of undergraduates in 2015–16 reported having a disability”1; and,

Whereas,According to the Director of the Office ofAccessibility Services, Dr. Daniel Long, OAS serves about 10% of the student population at WVU; and,

Whereas, The WVU Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources2, the College of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences3, and the Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design, have active student advisory groups already in place; and,

Whereas, A Wellness and Mental Health Student Advisory Board was also established to help support the holistic well-being of WVU students; and,

Whereas, Discussion throughout the semester with the Office of Accessibility prompted the creation of the Office of Accessibility (OAS) Advisory Committee in order to gain student input on new ideas and possible improvements for OAS; and,

Whereas, the Office of Accessibility does not currently have a group that directly communicates students’ concerns and initiatives; and,

Whereas, The OAS Student Advisory Committee would consist of 8-10 students: all of whom have requested accommodation through OAS; and,

Whereas, The OAS Student Advisory Committee would be a beneficial resource to our campus and our students by directly advising, influencing, and improving WVU entities on programs and initiatives; and,

Whereas, Successful implementation and function of a OAS Student Advisory Committee could inspire other offices and divisions on campus to also establish their own advisory committees for the betterment of the entire university.

Therefore, be it resolved by the Student Assembly of West Virginia University:

Section 1: The West Virginia University Student Government Association supports the establishment of an Office of Accessibility Student Advisory Committee to help support WVU students who identify as having disabilities through feedback from a peer group.

Section 2: After passage of AR-2022-03, SGA will work with the Office of Accessibility Services in creating an application process during the Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 semesters and will help promote the application once released.

Section 3: Upon passage and approval, this legislation shall be forwarded to:


  • Dr. E. Gordon Gee
  • President G. Corey Farris, Dean of Students
  • Sabrina Cave, Executive Director, Student Enrichment
  • Dr. Thanh Le, Director, Student Engagement and Leadership (Advisor)
  • Daniel Long, Director, Office of Accessibility Services
  • Chloe Hernandez, Student Body President
  • Daily Athenaeum