West Virginia University
Student Government Association
Regular Student Assembly Meeting
Vandalia Lounge, Mountainlair, 7:30 PM
August 31st, 2022
- Call to Order
- Reading of the SGA Mission Statement
- Roll Call
- Reading and Approval of the Agenda
- Reading and Approval of the Minutes
- Open Student Forum I
- The President’s Report
- Assembly Reports
- Committee Reports
- Executive Reports
Old Business
- AB-2022-03:“An Assembly Bill to Adopt the 2022-2023WVU SGA Bylaws” , President Pro Tempore Khan
New Business
Student Organization Registrations
- WVU Health & Wellbeing Student Organization
- Asian Association
- FB-2022-14
- Consideration of Special Rules
Confirmation of Governing Documents Committee Voting Members
- Treasurer Sohan Daniel
- Chief of Staff Sophia Flower
- Senator Devin Price
- College Senator Quinn Wooten (Eberly)
- Senator Emily Whalen
Student Organization Registrations
- Open Student Forum II
- Advisors’ Reports
- Snaps
- Adjournment