Senator Sohan Daniel
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: In the month of February I wrapped up Governing Documents work with President Pro Tempore Jones, Senator Harman, and College Senator Moore. I also started a Proclomation stating support for the Crown Act with Senator Colbert and a Resolution establishing a Wellness & Mental Health Advisory Board with College Senators Eyler, Hitt, & McKnight.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: For the month of March I hope to work with the safety committee to host our tabling event & our safety walk.
What legislation are you currently working on? Crown Act Proclamation, Wellness & Mental Health Advisory Board and Cap & Gown Bil
Senator Ashley Eby
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: I am working in coordination with members of the WV Legislature to mandate the reporting of drug impurities (such as fentanyl) in drugs that are seized/lead to overdose. This legislation would also mandate that these reports are distributed to college campuses (Such as through the WVU Alert System).
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: I will continue working on the drug impurity reporting project throughout the month of March.
What legislation are you currently working on? Drafting a bill that is applicable to WVU that supports the legislature's drug impurities legislation.
Senator Sarah Ihlenfeld
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: I attended the Big XII on the Hill conference, during which we collaborated with delegations from other Big XII schools to lobby for student interests in higher education on Capitol Hill. I met with staffers from Senator Burr's office, Senator Manchin's office, Senator Capito's office, and Representative McKinley's office. We advocated for college affordability, mental health, and energy policy. I specifically presented on energy policy during our meetings with the West Virginia offices.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: In March, I will be continuing to follow the West Virginia legislative session and using my position to advocate for student interests.
What legislation are you currently working on? I am prepared to write legislation in response to activity in the West Virginia legislature.
College Senator Morgan Glass
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: This month, College Senator Hitt and I focused on work toward the creation of a Davis Student Advisory Board: we finalized the number of members/majors we would want on the board, we created a student interest survey to gauge the students, we emailed administrators to help us distribute the survey /// I also met with administration from the office of sustainability to see how we can improve WVU's sustainability.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: For March, I want to draft legislation for the Davis Student Advisory Board, help create applications, and set up the program for the fall semester // begin more research into campus sustainability; begin planning for Earth Day Week programming
What legislation are you currently working on? Creation of Davis Student Advisory Board; Senator Moore's Resolution to encourage WVU to Purchase Solar Energy
Senator Tara Smith
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: Working on elections/campaign, promoting the REC and health and well-being, met with Dean Watson. Also met with Advisor every week to see if she heard of any updates within CPASS
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: Promoting the elections and health + well-being
Senator Arpan Kumar
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: In the beginning of this month I formed a group to focus on the attempt to remove income tax and led a meeting to create a piece of legislation to speak against it. I’ve been in contact with other members as well as administrators in the university in attempts to get a clear and concise view of the tax plan to then translate into legislation. However, my attention has strayed a little as I have been focusing on problems in WVUs advising. I have met with the head of my colleges advising and plan to meet with others to discuss how we can better support students and increase retention rates.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: This month I want to release the proclamation against the proposed tax plan. Release a resolution regarding advising at WVU.
What legislation are you currently working on? Proclamation against eliminating income tax.
College Senator Tucker Nadeau
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: I sponsored several pieces of legislation, including one supporting the CROWN Act and one addressing COVID at WVU. I also met with Dean Farris and Traci Knabenshue, head of sustainability to talk about possible legislation.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: I would like to finish out this end of the legislative session strong by helping with legislation and preparing the next administration for their terms.
What legislation are you currently working on? I am currently doing research on legislation for departmental reviews and sustainability.
President Pro Tempore Amelia Jones
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: Successfully drafted a recommendation with the faculty senate ad hoc committee about third party platforms, met with every single assembly member to go over goals and plans, and sent 45 care packages to at-risk youth in southern WV.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: Support assembly members in the legislative process, draft legislation, work to support current programming
What legislation are you currently working on? a proclamation supporting the recommendation from the ad hoc committee
College Senator Meg Sorrells
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: During the month of February, I met with Brittany Stout from CEHS and discussed Black History Month in education, upcoming events for International Womens Day, future teacher camps, and CEHS student ambassadors.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: During the month of March I would like to make a proclamation responding to a WV bill and continue to work on mental health legislation with Senator Stackpole. I would also like to focus on International Womens Day.
What legislation are you currently working on? I am currently working a mental health resolution with Senator Stackpole.
College Senator Katie Eyler
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: Legislation to create a student mental health advisory board
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: Have a successful election
What legislation are you currently working on? second reading of mental health advisory board and adjustments
College Senator Tyler Seidel
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: This month I met with my dean, the office of enrollment and outreach within Statler, and with the Office of Undergraduate Research. We had discussions relating to how research can be better pushed at WVU, and ways SGA can help with organizing the information surrounding research.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: My primary goal for this month is to gather data relating to how many students are involved with research in Statler and hopefully start working with the Office of Undergraduate Research to send out target information.
What legislation are you currently working on? No real legislation at the moment, just working on the stuff mentioned above.
College Senator Theodore Stackpole
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: Safety Walk planning, meeting with officers of the UPD on collaboration with SGA in safety walk and future events.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: Complete Safety Walk with members of the Safety Committee, work on diversity impact group legislation.
What legislation are you currently working on? Developing Diversity Impact Group legislation with College Senator Sorrells
College Senator Lily McKnight
Please summarize what you accomplished or worked on in the month of February: This month, Senator Daniel and I authored legislation for a student mental health and wellness board.
Please outline your goal(s) for the month of March. These can be legislative, programming, organizational, etc.: This month, I’ll be working on SGA outreach for the Reed College!
What legislation are you currently working on? n/a