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September 2022 Assembly Report

Senator Kevin Donnelly

Summary: During the month of September, I've been involved in the process of planning for our Intersectionality Coalition event happening in October. Additionally, preliminary planning/group formation has been done within the Inclusion Committee for legislation surrounding requiring DEI module completion within curriculums and student organizations.

Goals: The first half of October will feature further planning for the Intersectionality Coalition event on October 22nd, especially in planning how the Coalition will function. I also intend to be involved in the voter registration drive occurring in the first week of October. Finally, I intend to complete more serious work on the DEI module legislation after the Coalition event planning is complete.

In-Progress Legislation: The DEI module completion is the biggest piece of legislation in the works at the moment. Work on that for this coming month will feature committee meetings and contacting with administrators, specifically the Provost Office, the DEI Office, and reaching out to colleges.

Senator Sohan Daniel

Summary: Opened up the month of September with a town hall where we talked about mask enforcement and other ways to improve student safety. After that I worked with Senators Harman and Ihlenfield to Write a resolution addressing COVID-19 on campus, Senators Jernigan and Nadeau on a proclamation supporting WVU Athletics and Student-Athletes, and with President Riggs on a NOVID Proclamation. Towards the end of the month, College Senators Backus and McKnight alongside myself have been working on a Resolution advocating for a sobering center on campus.

Goals: In the month of October, I hope to complete research and meetings regarding a Sobering Center on Campus and hopefully putting a resolution out to advocate for it. During this month I also hope to complete the Safety walk with the Safety Committee in and meet with the Governing Documents Committee.

In-Progress Legislation: Sobering Center Resolution

College Senator Lily McKnight

Summary: This month, I worked with Senator Daniel and others on the possibility of a sobering center on WVU's campus.

Goals: This month, I will be working towards a collaboration between the Reed College of Media and the journalism/yearbook class at Morgantown High School. This will consist of a Zoom media workshop. I will be working with the Reed College of Media recruitment specialist and Morgantown High School's journalism teacher Tiphani Davis.

Senator Amaya Jernigan

Summary: I got three pieces of legislation passed in September. I have worked with other senators to produce a piece of legislation about WVU athletics supporting Black Lives Matter. I also worked closely with Senator Nichols on writing a piece of legislation about Sodxeo.

Goals: In October I will finish the piece of legislation with Senator Nichols and also work on collaborating with Senator Rossello on key issues within the Black community at WVU.

In-Progress Legislation: Legislation pertaining to Black retention, Sodexo, and Building diverse community at WVU.

College Senator Zachariah Backus

Summary: I have worked on Legislation regarding implementing sobering centers with Senator Daniel and Senator McKnight as well as my Intern, Olivia and Sohan's intern, Michael.

Goals: Meet with my Dean once we finally appoint a fellow CEHS Senator.

College Senator Katie Eyler

Summary: II got signs up at the rec fields and have started my first draft of a resolution for the fields.

Goals: I want to do a mental health social media campaign, finish my resolution, and I will be on a podcast to talk about health and wellness

In-Progress Legislation: Resolution to replace rec fields

Senator Ashley Eby

Summary: I researched WVU tutoring services and familiarized myself with their function during COVID-19. I also served as a sponsor on a few pieces of legislation.

Goals: I was given the contact information for people who handle WVU tutoring services, so I plan to reach out and share some of my ideas. I also hope to reach out to the Office of Undergraduate Research and see if their tentative plans have changed due to the virus. I'd like to work with them to make research opportunities more diverse and inclusive.

In-Progress Legislation: I’m researching the best resources and tutoring options for remote learning, and I’d like to work on legislation that focuses on increasing the availability of these resources.

Senator Arpan Kumar

Summary: This month I was able to hear the concerns of students over the recent issues regarding COVID-19 on campus, I sat in on a few meeting for writing legislation to help resolve issues. I also recently completed a resolution that was in response to the news released this month about the mass hysterectomies in the ICE detention centers. I used that information in conjunction with the policy they tried to implement in the summer that would’ve sent international students home during an international pandemic to form a resolution insisting WVU condemns ICE and ensures protection of International students. In this bill I reference the school speaking out but not providing any tangible opposition to the abhorrent policy.

Goals: My goal for this month is to get signatures for my recent piece of legislation by the second meeting of October to introduce it for a first reading. I hop to also write and introduce a new resolution in support in the Critical Race Theory and that WVU SGA expects the university to uphold the theory even with the President’s executive order.

In-Progress Legislation: I’m finalizing my resolution condemning ICE and I have just started on the resolution in support of Critical Race Theory and it’s utilization in WVU programming.

College Senator Theodore Stackpole

Summary: Worked on Safety Month events, Safety 10 for 10 survey, Safety Town Hall, Sponsored Legislation AR-2020-12

Goals: Planning possible social media event/giveaway to showcase students practicing good examples of mask wearing and COVID safety measures. The event would use positive reenforcement and rewards in the form of coupons or prizes to encourage good health and safety practices among our student peers.

In-Progress Legislation: Possible proclamation to encourage student body participation in the mask wearing social media promotion (pending further planning of the event).

Senator Tucker Nadeau

Summary: I worked on establishing the Joint Student Athlete Advisory Committee, and from that I cowrote legislation supporting the right for WVU athletes to speak in favor of societal justice and Black Lives Matter

Goals: We will be looking further into events that both WVU athletics and the student body could participate in, including sustainability efforts and a day of service

In-Progress Legislation: I am not currently working on legislation, but I'm considering working on getting departmental surveys included with SEIs

College Senator Moore

Summary: Over the past month, I continued a lot of the planning that I and the rest of the Assembly began in August. I came on as Chair of the Community Engagement Committee, and thanks to the Local Governance Liaison Riffey, our October events are well underway. We've worked to secure transportation to the WVU Precinct polling station on Election Day, and began working on a graphic series and a 10 for 10 Survey. Senator Seidel and I met with our Dean for the first time, as well as other key Statler Administration members. I attended a handful of BoF meetings, and am currently preparing for a Governing Documents Review.

Goals: This month, I hope to release Statler Outreach forms - again, with Tyler - to introduce ourselves and make ourselves available to our College. I hope to continue the Community Engagement initiatives, particularly concerning the November election. Moreover, I hope to ensure that the Governing Documents Review Committee meets this month, that we might make our recommendations to the General Assembly before the end of the month.

In-Progress Legislation: Unfortunately, I have no legislation in the works currently, as it were, though I'm sure that our work as an organization and our interactions with the Student Body will rectify this.

College Senator Tyler Seidel

Goals: Discuss lack of consistency with faculty pages with Dean, finalize office hour time for Statler Senator, address any issue proposed by Dean Mago

In-Progress Legislation: I have not written anything, but I have been brainstorming ideas for programming in Arnold Apartments.