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Communications Coordinator

The Communications Coordinator is a central figure in facilitating effective communication within the West Virginia University Student Government Association (SGA).

Upon appointment by the SGA Student Assembly, they swiftly assemble a capable communications team within the first thirty days, ensuring streamlined operations. Serving as the official spokesperson for the SGA, they convey key messages and represent the organization in various communications and public relations capacities, fostering positive relationships with stakeholders. They work closely with the SGA Chief Information Officer to maintain the official SGA website, ensuring it remains updated and serves as a comprehensive resource for students. Additionally, they compile reports from SGA members to prepare the SGA Newsletter on a semesterly basis, providing insights into the association's activities and initiatives. Furthermore, the Communications Coordinator ensures transparent information dissemination by publicizing all SGA Student Assembly meetings at least 24 hours in advance through appropriate channels, such as the Student Newspaper. Their commitment to the SGA's mission is evident through their regular attendance at Student Government meetings and their readiness to undertake any additional duties as directed by the President and Vice President, thus contributing significantly to the visibility and effectiveness of the SGA.

Current Position Holder

Get to know this year's Communications Coordinator.

Mary Roush

Communications Coordinator 2024-2025

View Profile: Mary Roush