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Charlie Long


Charlie Long

Charlie Long


Chief of Staff




As a junior and third-year member of the Student Government Association, Charlie is proud to bring his passion and experience to the table in the pivotal role of Chief of Staff. 

While most of his tasks revolve around managing the Executive Branch and aiding President Santmyer and Vice President Dozier in an administrative capacity, he is also invested in the future and unity of this organization at all levels. Outside of SGA, Charlie is the President of the WVU Pre-Law Society, among other involvements. Previously, he has been a speaker at TEDxWVU and a Eberly College of Arts and Sciences Scholar. 


This year, Charlie hopes to invigorate SGA members past, present, and future with a passion for the advocacy and public service this organization engages in. Specifically, he is spearheading efforts toward alumni engagement, contributing to important legislation, facilitating team bonding, and supporting the President and Vice President in their aptly named mission to "Bridge the Gap." He is excited to see how this organization can grow in the post-COVID era.


Charlie will always be proud of the work he did in the Hernandez-Uqaily administration as Attorney General. While he recognizes that hindsight is 20/20 and that changes still need to be made, he's still immensely proud of his efforts to unite SGA and retool the elections process, which he believes earned him the 2023 award of Executive of the Year. Still, there is no greater point of pride for Charlie than to work with such talented and hardworking individuals on a regular basis.